7 things you need to do to successfully learn to play guitar.

A person playing guitar
Learning guitar is not as hard as people think, the technique is the essential part of the learning curve - Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

To start learning guitar is a long journey but it's worth is irreplaceable, I think if you like guitar you understand what I mean. During my time I have learned guitar in a way that I did not like, additionally I am a left-handed who uses a right-handed guitar (i.e I play it upside-down). 

I am not always regretting that I lived in that learning situation because that gave me a valuable experience that does not only work for guitars but everything that requires you some extra energy to learn it. I decided to create this article after so many people I know told me that they want to learn guitar but when I get back to them after some months they tell me that they gave up.

In this post we will discuss what you should do to learn guitar in a good manner. Some tips are practical and others are moral, where you do not need energy or struggle to achieve those tips.
  1. Commitment
  2. Know your purpose
  3. Consistent practices
  4. Learn from others
  5. Follow the nature of growth
  6. Use tutorials
  7. Go with audience

7 tips you need to successfully learn to play guitar

1. Commitment

Thinking that a child is walking the first day is like dreaming. This is the same way for guitar, you will need to be committed for good to be able to get what you think you deserve.

Studies show that 90% of all beginners of guitar, give up to learn in the first 4 months prior to the start. Applause to you if you have crossed 4 months and you are still learning👏

Most people fail to keep up with guitar because they expect everything to be smooth.

2. Know your purpose

As you need to be committed that will be very productive if you add a true purpose of why you need to learn guitar. Everything needs a purpose to be achieved, it might be for money-making purpose and you should identify that and take it serious also do not forget to set goals. 

Do not be afraid or hesitate to put hobby into a great cause of why you need to learn to play guitar, it might be included if your hobbies matter to you.

3. Consistent practices

After knowing that you have a commitment and your purpose you need to hold your consistency so that you do not leave the learning streak road. Being consistent will help you become accurate and reduce your learning time, the more you do not practice often, the longer it takes to learn. 

It is not necessary, you practice hours a day few minutes are enough to make your fingers familiar with guitar.

4. Learn from others

Remember that the best teacher that exists is the one who creates other means of teaching. No matter how many videos, books and audio you use to learn guitar but they are maximally worth if you add a real person. 

A person adds up something spontaneous that you cannot easily find in recorded and written contents.

5. Follow the nature of growth

As per the nature, growth has a rule to follow and I bet that it's almost impossible to violate that rule. Everything always starts small and grows gradually by time, this is the same case to guitar, you cannot play advanced chords without passing before simple chords.

What you should do is first learning the basics and progress slow by slow, also this applies while learning some songs. You should not start by hard songs, it might result in giving up too early.

6. Use other sources

Try to do create streams of knowledge while studying guitar. As I said in the second point, it is good enough to use real persons but I did not mention that it is better if you add up online sources like; books, videos and online courses.

I am a witness of how online materials are good resources to help you learn guitar effectively. I used them a long time since my first day on guitar, I recommend to use them if you have access.

7. Go with audience

Can you play well some songs? Maybe, but I am truly sure that the room or saloon environment is totally different from the ears of people before you waiting for your spectacular skills on guitar. 

Try to go before people, play for them that is where you take a boost of learning more on guitar and see how a guitar is worthy learning to play it.

A Recap

To continue a streak of learning guitar you need few things to do so as it is not that hard as people say all you need is to commit yourself to that, especially know why you are learning to play guitar and set goals to achieve. 

You should learn from others around you, they might know something you need to advance quickly and, remember to follow the law of growth. Use other sources of knowledge, internet is full of books, videos and courses. Finally, show what you are capable of doing before people as your audience to be familiar with guitar in all sides.


As a conclusion, if you already have started or planning to start learning guitar I hope that the following tips are going to be very helpful to you. 

Attention for something, if you want to take a paid course of guitar to a great guitar teacher who knows what to do and what's best for his students. There are the so-called teachers out there who can make you surrender too early.

I planned to write about this article because some of the tips discussed have helped me and my tutees so much to learn guitar whilst I have realized that others would have helped me if I had followed them fortunately they have perfectly worked for them (students). I believe that if you follow these tips you are going to be valuable to you in anyways.

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  1. Hey, Leonidas, I was actually looking forward to a more technical and hands on article. I hope they'll be a follow up post on this topic.

  2. I also once tried to learn guitar. But due to lack of regular practice, i found myself far behind my friends. So, i gave up because of embarassment 😂
