4 Legit Websites to Find Job openings and other opportunities in Rwanda

A job posture that says "For Hire"
In digital world it is better to know where the opportunities without too much of struggle - photo by

Are you in Rwanda, are you tired of meeting some scam jobs or you are not sure where you are going to start from hunting jobs? Today you will find answers to all those problems.

National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda(NISR) through Labor Force Survey (Simply LFS) has indicated that as of August 2019 the unemployment rate in Rwanda is 16%.

The world is being digitized and modernized day-by-day. You need to be up to date to march on with technology, I doubt if there are many people who are still out of date. I remember after graduating everyone of us in WhatsApp groups was wondering where to find job and that's understandable for a qualified graduate to look for a job.

"Being out there with no job sucks"

With the help of technology you can be able to hunt a job through different sources like social media, job boards, networks and other different ways. Today we will be focusing on 4 websites you can use while searching for employment opportunities.

4 Websites to Find Job openings in Rwanda

  • Job In Rwanda
  • Job web Rwanda
  • Ndangira.net
  • The New Times
Are you wondering where are the best places to go to find your next great job in Rwanda? I have done research to help you determine the best sites you can use while finding a job.

     1. Job In Rwanda

Job In Rwanda is a private company that is highly specialized in services of online recruitment and advertisement. But Job In Rwanda is most known as job pool, this website publish bunch of job vacancies daily.

Since its start in 2011, Job In Rwanda has contributed so much to guide people through jobs. Job In Rwanda also allows people to be able to post their resume and details so that companies might scout employees through their website. Moreover, they provide online training.

    2. Ndangira.net

As Job In Rwanda, Ndangira.net is a collection of different opportunities mostly targeting young people including jobs, scholarships, fundings and many more.

Ndangira.net updates its content as much as possible and it has a large variety of opportunities and has an organized webpage where you can choose accordingly. You can also filter from posts. Ndangira.net has helped so much people to start their dream journeys.

      3. The New Times

The New Times One of the best media organizations in Rwanda, it has been in the game since 1995 (Obviously they are experienced). Apart from media and news, The New Times has a part of job advertisements and tenders, although it has few posts on their platform but I liked that they have some interesting job posts and high-level professional positions.

Moreover, this platform has a feature where employers can register their accounts. You can check it out and try your luck.

     4. Jobweb Rwanda

Jobweb Rwanda is a job site that offers a variety of job opportunities available for application. It has a great feature of filtering among job posts on the site. It has again a registration feature where both an employer (who hires) and a prospective employee (who wants to be hired) register and they create a dashboard. This site tells the visitors the number of job openings available at the site on the current day.


If you’re looking for a new job and you want to increase your chances of being hired, update your resume, refine it and make it look professional. Your resume will make you a bridge, the better you will prepare a strong resume the more chance you will get.

I advise you to register more than one site, the sites offer different skill and might provide different opportunities. You should also use other methods for finding jobs, such as in-person networking events, reaching out to former co-workers, job fairs and more. 


You must know that in this era it is very easy to you to be scammed. Then, it is advisable to not go for any website that says there are job opportunities unless you have enough information about it. Good luck!

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  1. In Nigeria, we have several. One popular website is Jobberman. It is highly recommended that a fresh graduate registers with LEGIT online job portals.
